A Sermon based on 1 Sam 8
For the past number of weeks, we’ve been exploring together how the Bible fits together into one big story. And before we get into our...
A Land for his People: A sermon based on Joshua 10:29-43
I’d like to begin this sermon with a definition form modern psychology that will help explain why I’ve been troubled by the book of...
Clothed in Christ: A sermon based on Genesis 3
Genesis chapter 3 is the story of the conflict that began all conflicts that began all problems, the problem that began all tragedies,...
Membership is Health: A sermon based on Romans 12:1-8
During today’s sermon I’d like to reflect on church membership, but I’d like to do so in a way that isn’t anachronistic. What I mean by...
Exceeding Expectations: A sermon based on Luke 3:15-22
I’d like to start with a question to those of you who are in high school or fairly recently graduated… I wonder if over the Christmas...
John's Sermon: Luke 3:7-18
I’d like to begin by inviting you to study this portrait of John the Baptist. Here you will see him as traditionally presented in...
When God Came to Town: A sermon based on Luke 3:1-6
In 1879, Fyodor Dostoevsky published the great Russian novel, Brother’s Karamazov. In the book, Dostoevsky is trying to help people see...
A Christmas Miracle: A sermon based on Luke 21:25-36
Our world is haunted. We are not alone in this world, as many living around us would have us believe. Our world is enchanted. Our...
Our Dad's Kids: A sermon based on Ephesians 1:3-6
Words and images surrounding family play a hugely significant role in the verses that we just read. In fact, words pertaining to Family...
Putting it all Together: A sermon based on 1 Corinthians 12:4-13:13
Paul was writing to the people at the church in Corinth about a specific problem. The problem was around speaking in tongues. Speaking...