Invading Isolation: A reflection on John 4
This was actually the lectionary text from last week, but I thought it would be good to hear from the woman at the well, because she’s...
Peace in Pandemic? A Reflection on Romans 5:1-11
Verse 1 in our passage today names how we have peace with God because we are considered part of God’s family not because of anything we...
Navigating Difficult Waters: A sermon based on Romans 1:18-32
There are undoubtedly two verses that stood out for all of us as we heard this passage — verses 26-27, what Paul says about homosexual...
The Gospel of King Jesus: A sermon based on Romans 1:1-18
Who is Jesus and what does he have to do with the God of Israel? Let’s not be too quick to answer that question. Sometimes being able...
Thanks be to God? A sermon based on Acts 4:32-5:11
Did you mean it? I just read about the capital punishment of two individuals, said “This is the Word of the Lord,” and you responded...
A Near Miss: A sermon based on Matthew 1:18-24
In recent weeks as we’ve been reflecting on Scripture, we’ve been noting how often it’s possible to view Scripture through different...
This is the Hat of Elijah: A Sermon based on Matthew 3:1-12
Last week, we talked about people wearing multiple hats, and how its important to understand which hat someone’s wearing when you’re...
Come and Die: A sermon based on Matthew 24:36-44
Come and Die Matthew 24:36-44 Joe Ellis — December 1, 2019 I’d like to tell you something that’s good to keep in mind when you’re...
A sermon based on Exodus 20
You know, I’ve got most of this text that we read for today memorized. I never sat down and tried to memorize it. But I know it because...
A Difficult Path: A sermon based on Exodus 14
This story is one of the greatest moments in the Old Testament. God shows himself as a freer of slaves, a protector of the helpless, an...